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Moodle is an e-learning platform, a learning management system, a complex product that offers services and modules for the development of an e-learning learning and evaluation environment. Moodle is a set of components and modules, communication tools, virtual classroom and digital library, using LMS / LCMS / SCORM / AICC standards and systems.

This is a continuously updated page, as we will regularly add information based on its dynamics.


The Western University of Timișoara uses the e-learning platform in the educational process, implemented in the e-UVT suite of applications.

This platform was implemented in order to support more effective communication between teachers and students for the performance of teaching activities used in the teaching-learning-evaluation process online, as well as to support students in order to respect academic ethics in terms of regarding the development of assessment materials, scientific materials or bachelor’s or dissertation theses.



Teaching staff

   First steps

The elearning platform can be accessed at the following link

Authentication on the platform is done with the credentials of the e-UVT institutional mail account.

In the “Dashboard” section, you can find the courses in which you are enrolled as a student or teacher.

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