
Turnitin is a web-based plagiarism detection service provided by the American company Turnitin.

Founded in 1998, it is used as a service (SaaS) to check documents submitted with the database and content of other websites in order to identify plagiarism. The results can identify similarities with existing sources and can also be used in formative assessment to help students learn to avoid plagiarism and improve their writing

This is a continuously updated page, as we will regularly add information based on its dynamics.


Within the Western University, the beneficiaries of this solution are more than 17,000 users, teaching staff, researchers, undergraduate and master’s students. The system allows the creation of an unlimited number of guardians and the verification of an unlimited number of documents.

The Turnitin system is implemented in UVT as a service, as a web platform integrated with UVT’s current services, such as the E-UVT authentication system, the Moodle eLearning platform.



Teaching staff

   First steps

  • Authentication on the elearning platform using the institutional e-mail account
  • Each discipline may have one or more activities with deadlines, including intermediate deadlines.
  • Among the documents resulting from the completion of the assigned activities, we mention: assignments, reports, bachelor’s theses, dissertations.
  • Tutors can view and evaluate via Turnitin the documents entered by students.
  • The latter can upload documents and view the evaluation results of their own documents.

Get help

You can contact us at support@e-uvt.ro