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Transversal complementary disciplines are an online option to choose transversal skills studies.

This is a continuously updated page, as we will regularly add information based on its dynamics.


The Western University of Timișoara, faithful to its principles and mission, by which it wants its graduates to be not only specialists in a field of study, but rather intellectuals with a broad academic horizon, who can face the challenges of a dynamic society, offers to allow students to assimilate transversal skills by choosing, from a very wide package, the complementary disciplines that create these skills.

On this site you can find the necessary information to be able to choose the complementary discipline that generates transversal skills (abbreviated name – DCT).

Occupancy of places in the offered discipline is done according to the “first come, first served” principle.

Subjects that have filled their available places or that are in your field of study do not appear in the list.



   First steps

Complementary disciplines can be accessed at the following link

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