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Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a free web service developed by Google for schools that aims to simplify the creation, distribution and grading of assignments in a paperless way. The main purpose of Google Classroom is to streamline the file sharing process between teachers and students

This is a continuously updated page, as we will regularly add information based on its dynamics.


The West University of Timișoara uses in the educational process alongside the elearning platform and/or Google Classroom as an alternative for indexing and organizing online courses



Teaching staff

   First steps

  • Access can be done from the institutional email address or directly from the application.
  • Google Classroom combines Google Drive for creating and sharing assignments, Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Slides for writing, Gmail for communication, and Google Calendar for schedules.

  • Students can be invited to join a class via a private code, or automatically imported from a school domain.

  • Each class automatically creates a separate folder in that user’s Drive where the student can submit work to be graded by a teacher.

  • The mobile apps, available for iOS and Android devices, allow users to take photos and attach them to themes, share files from other apps, and access information offline.

  • Teachers can monitor progress for each student, and after grading students, teachers can leave private comments based on the assignment.

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