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iThenticate is the premier tool for researchers and professional writers to check their original work for possible plagiarism. With a user-friendly submission process that checks for similarity to the world’s best published work, researchers and institutions can be confident that their academic reputation will be protected.

This is a continuously updated page, as we will regularly add information based on its dynamics.


The Western University of Timișoara uses in the educational process, along with the Turnitin package, the iTENTICATE service specifically intended for UVT teaching staff and researchers for the purpose of evaluating scientific articles before their submission to journals or conferences.

A number of 100,000 documents may be entered during an academic year.


PhD students

Coordinating teaching staff

   First steps

The iThenticate platform can be accessed at the following link

Authentication is done with the credentials of the previous personal account created on request by the UVT administrator.

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