În atenția studenților Universității de Vest din Timișoara!

Începand cu data de 1 mai 2024, a fost activată o limita de spatiu pentru contul de student de 300GB ce va fi mentinuta pana la data de 27.06.2024 (pentru a da posibilitatea studentilor ce nu au reusit sa-si reduca spatiul de storage de la anuntul initial).
Dupa expirarea termenului, aceasta limita de spatiu va fi redusa la valoarea anuntata initial de 25GB pentru fiecare cont de student.
                                                                                        Data postarii: 08/05/2024
Notificare de la Google Workspace for Education
Prepare your domain for the Google Workspace for Education pooled storage policy update in May 2024
Data: Apr 16, 2024 at 11:32 PM

Keep reading to find resources about the Google Workspace for Education pooled storage policy and your domain’s upcoming policy enforcement date.

Dear Administrator,

In July 2022 we sent you communications titled: [Reminder] Prepare your domain for the Google Workspace for Education pooled storage policy update and [Legal Notice] Updates to the Google Workspace for Education Storage Policy.

We are writing to give you more details about the Google Workspace for Education pooled storage policy update that will be effective for your domain starting May 1, 2024.


What does this mean for my institution

As of April 1, 2024, we have identified your domain as currently approaching or exceeding your allotted storage capacity.

If your domain is exceeding your storage limit when the storage policy is enforced starting May 1, 2024, all of your users will experience disruptions such as not being able to perform the following actions:

  • Upload new files or images to Google Drive.
  • Create files in collaborative content creation apps, such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard. Until they reduce storage usage, nobody can edit or copy their affected files or submit forms owned by the user.
  • Back up any photos and videos to Google Photos.
  • Record new meetings in Google Meet.
  • In Google Classroom, teachers will not be able to create assignments with new files that they haven’t yet uploaded or created, and students can’t submit assignments with file attachments.
  • Teachers will not be able to export grades to Google Sheets.
  • Students will not be able to submit assignments with file attachments.

To understand in more detail how exceeding your storage limit will impact your institution, visit our Help Center.

Note: When you review your storage usage, you may see a new category of storage called „Other” in your storage meter. This is a new category that gives you better visibility into the storage users have from Android backups, including Whatsapp. While this storage shows in your storage meter, we do not have plans to charge for this data. If that changes, we will provide at least 90 days notice to you in advance of that change.

What do you need to do

We recommend you use the available Storage Management Tools as soon as possible to:

We’re here to help

We recognize that these changes directly impact you and your organization. We’ve provided additional information below to guide you through this update and help you manage your institution’s storage.

Thanks for choosing Google Workspace for Education.


The Google Workspace for Education Team

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